Alícia Foundation - Alícia Foundation - BIYSC

Alícia Foundation

Alícia (Ali-mentació i cièn-cia; alimentation and science), is a research center devoted to technological innovation in cuisine, to the improvement of eating habits and to the evaluation of the food and gastronomic heritage. It is a center with a social vocation and the main objective of Alícia is work for healthier eating for everyone.
One of our research lines is health and eating habits where we work to improve the eating habits of society and to find culinary solutions to specific food necessities caused by certain illnesses. We collaborate with social, hospital, school and nursing home canteens to adjust their catering to the needs and diversities that arise in each of these groups.

Excellence and recognition awards

  • 2013 – NAOS Strategy Awards for the Promotion of Healthy Diet in the School Setting  by Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN) (Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs)
  • 2015 – Catalonian National Research Award for the Public-Private Partnership in Research and Innovation (R+I) by Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI, Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació).

Ranking positioning

Renowned researchers