Position: Renowned researcher

  • Àlvar Agustí

    Àlvar Agustí

    • Graduated in Medicine 1979 (Universitat de Barcelona). Suma cum laude
    • PhD 1985 (Universitat de Barcelona). Suma cum laude
    • Fogarty Scholar (NIH), University of Chicago, US, 1989-1991
    • Full Professor of Medicine, Universitat de Barcelona.
    • More than 500 peer-review publication (H-index: 105)
  • Pablo Menéndez

    Pablo Menéndez

    • PhD in Biochemistry at the Department of Medicine in the University of Salamanca (Spain).
    • Postdoctoral training in stem cell biology at Mick Bhatia Laboratory (Canada) and in childhood leukemia at Mel Greaves Laboratory (UK).
    • Director of the Andalusian Stem Cell Bank (Spain) and Principal Investigator at GENyO (Spain).
    • ICREA Research Professor and Research Director of The Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute-Campus Clinic-UB, in Barcelona (Spain).
    • Leader in the field of childhood leukemia and world pioneer in the development of next-generation CAR-T cell therapies.
  • Eva Miranda

    Eva Miranda

    Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, distinguished with two consecutive ICREA Academia Awards (2016, 2021), and a member of CRM and IMTECH. She has recently been awarded the François Deruyts Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium and a Bessel Prize by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation. She is the 2023 Hardy lecturer for the London Mathematical.

    She is the director of the Geometry and Dynamical Systems Lab and the leader of the GEOMVAP group (Geometry of Varieties and Applications).

    Her research addresses various aspects of Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics, and Dynamical Systems, such as Symplectic and Poisson Geometry, Hamiltonian Dynamics, group actions, and Geometric Quantization.

  • Xavier Querol Canceller

    Xavier Querol Canceller

    • Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Barcelona, with research focusing on environmental geochemistry applied to air pollution and quality.
    • Advisory member on air quality for the European Commission, the Ministry of Ecological Transition of Spain, IPCC, and the WHO.
    • Published ver 700 articles (h-index = 105). Thomson Reuters/Clarivate’s list ranks them as one of the most cited scientific authors since 2014.
    • Awarded the Spanish National Research Prize in 2020, the Environmental Prize of the Government of Catalonia in 2009, among others.
  • Licia Verde

    Licia Verde

    • Dr. Licia Verde has been an ICREA professor at the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Barcelona since 2007, and she is a member of the Cosmology and Large-Scale Structures research group at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB), specifically focusing on Observational Cosmology. 
    • Her team seeks to find explanations for some of the open questions in cosmology, such as what is dark energy? Or what caused the primordial perturbations of the universe? 
    • She is editor and Scientific director of Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP).
    • She has received several prizes and distinctions along her career, among which we highlight the Rei Jaume I Prize for Basic Research in 2021 or the 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics with the WMAP team.
    • She obtained her PhD as a Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, UK.