Position: Renowned researcher

  • Josep Maria Llovet

    Josep Maria Llovet

    Josep Maria Llovet is Professor ICREA, head of the IDIBAPS group on Translational Research in hepatic oncology and director of the Master’s Degree in Translational Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB. He is also the director of the Liver Cancer Program at the Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. President of the International Association of Hepatic Cancer (ILCA) from 2011 to 2013, he received the Josep Trueta 2013 Prize for scientific research for his research career in the field of basic and clinical research of hepatocellular carcinoma. He is also the volume editor of Handbook of Translational Medicine (Edicions UB, 2016), a work that summarizes the basic concepts of translational medicine.

  • Anna Mura

    Anna Mura

    • Degree in Biology.
    • PhD in Neuroscience.
    • Her main interest has been the understanding of brain degenerative diseases and loss of learning capability.
    • Current study in the question of creativity in artificial and biological systems.
    • She is also involved in projects that investigate learning principles using robots and human robot interaction methodologies.
    • Studying creativity is important to address fundamental challenges in education, cultural heritage and human experience.
  • Carlos Abellán

    Carlos Abellán

    • Telecom engineer and PhD in Photonics from ICFO. Author and coauthor of +10 publications and patents on quantum technologies.
    • Selected on the 2018 Europe edition of the MIT Innovators 35 Under 35.
    • Active on dissemination of science and technology. Examples include: TEDx IESEBarcelona, Pint of Science, Investigación y Ciencia, or IEEE Spectrum.
    • Cofounder and CEO of Quside (spin-off from ICFO) working on quantum technologies. Cofounder also of Finboot, a Blockchain-based startup.
    • Instigated the Big Bell test project in 2016, a world-wide quantum physics experiment that attracted +100,000 participants via a videogame.
  • Javier Ramon

    Javier Ramon

    • Junior Group Leader at IBEC, expert in the development of biosensors and immunoassays, new biomaterials, integration of nanotechnology in stem cell research and tissue engineering.
    • Postdoctoral researcher, Associate researcher and Assistant Professor in at Hyogo University and Tohoku University in Japan.
    • Presentation of the in 25 scientific conferences both nationally and internationally
    • Publication of 47 scientific papers.
    • Award of the Ramon y Cajal fellowship and European Research council starting grant to develop multi-organ-on-a-chip devices to study diabetes diseases.
  • Esther Alza

    Esther Alza

    • Studied Chemistry and Biochemistry at URV and obtained her PhD from ICIQ in 2011.
    • Awarded as Welcome Trust postdoctoral Fellowship to work in the University of Cambridge.
    • She came back to ICIQ in 2014 to set up the Unit ERTFLOW, future spin-off of ICIQ.
    • Major research interest in novel organic synthesis methodologies and technologies, from catalysis to flow chemistry with robotics and automatization for a fast development of new products and drugs.
  • Marc Güell Cargol

    Marc Güell Cargol

    • Tenure Track professor at UPF.
    • Coordinator of Master in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Industry.
    • Head of the Translational Synthetic Biology Laboratory.
    • Coordinator of synthetic biology and tissue and cell engineering classes.    
    • Coufounder of Sbiomedic and founding scientist of Egenesis Biosciences.
  • Fátima Gebauer

    Fátima Gebauer

    • She obtained her PhD in Sciences from the Autónoma University of Madrid, and performed postdocs in the labs of Joel Richter (UMass, USA) and Matthias Hentze (EMBL, Germany).
    • Her main interests focus on molecular mechanisms of translational control.
    • In 2002, she obtained a Group Leader position at the CRG, where her group is analyzing the role of RNA binding proteins in mRNA translation and cancer, with a focus on melanoma.
    • She is coordinator of the CRG Graduate Program, member of the Board of Directors of the UPF Doctorate School, editor of RNA and EMBO member.
    • She participates in multiple international review panels.
  • Carles Lalueza-Fox

    Carles Lalueza-Fox

    • World’s leading expert in paleogenomics -the retrieval and analysis of ancient genomes.
    • One of the few world’s researchers to have retrieved Neandertal DNA, and a member of the Neandertal Genome Project (2010).
    • Obtained the first complete genome of a European hunter-gatherer, dated to 8,000 years ago.
    • Retrieved genes from extinct species, including Mammoths, the moas or the Carolina parakeet and wrote a book about “De-Extinction”.
    • Published so far 21 papers in the two world’s leading multidisciplinary science journals, Science and Nature.
  • Jordi Garcia-Mas

    Jordi Garcia-Mas

    • Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1994)
    • Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. David Baulcombe at the Sainsbury Laboratory (Norwich, UK) (1995-1997)
    • IRTA researcher at the Plant and Animal Genomics Program of CRAG since 1997.
    • Coordinator of the first melon genome reference sequencing project (2012), and reference researcher in the international Cucurbits genomics community.
    • Scientific Director at IRTA and deputy director at CRAG since 2018.
  • Leandro Madrazo

    Leandro Madrazo

    • His research topics are energy information systems, open data, building energy efficiency, semantic technologies and architectural pedagogy.
    • 11 public funded projects, Spanish and European projects (FP7 and Horizon Europe), 6 of them leading the entire consortium (reaching 10M€ managed in that projects).
    • Written contributions (books, book chapters, journals, conferences) in international editorials.
    • 11 PhD Thesis directed (6 finished and 5 ongoing).
    • Fulbright Grant to Study the Master of Architecture in UCLA and Harvard University. PhD Thesis defended at ETH Zurich.