Position: Director of the center

  • Elias Campo

    Elias Campo

    Elias Campo is the Director of Research at the Hospital Clínic, the IDIBAPS and the Clinical Foundation for Biomedical Research and professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Barcelona University. He won the Rei Jaume I Prize for Medical Research 2016 and National Research Prize 2013, Campo is an expert in the pathological characterization of lymphoid neoplasms and in the analysis of the genetic mechanisms involved in the development and progression of these tumors. In collaboration with Dr. Carlos Lopez-Otín, has co-directed the complete sequencing studies of the genome of chronic lymphatic leukemia and the epigenome of this disease. These studies, with the sequencing of the genomes of the normal and tumor cells of more than five hundred patients, have been a milestone in genomic research on cancer. Campo has been president of the European Hemopathology Association and is currently a member of the Government Committee of the International Cancer Genome Consortium and is part of the Committee for the classification of hematopoietic neoplasms of the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • Paola Galbany

    Paola Galbany

    • Dr. in Nursing Science and has a Bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Barcelona (UB).
    • As a practicing nurse, she has worked in several hospitals in the Barcelona metropolitan area and in France, and has performed management work.
    • Member of different interdisciplinary, interuniversity and international research groups as the FEBE group, the AFIN group and the GIR-GEDIS group.
    • Postdoctoral fellow at the Bloomberg Lawrence S. Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Canada.
    • Dean of the Faculty in Health Sciences and Welfare in the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia and is member of the Research Group M3O.
  • Francesc Posas

    Francesc Posas

    • Degree in Biological Sciences by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
    • PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
    • Group Leader for 19 years at the Health and Experimental Sciences (CEXS) Department, Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) – Barcelona, Spain
    • European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) member
    • Award of the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) Academia Researcher for University Professors and of the “Carmen and Severo Ochoa” award for Research in Molecular Biology.
  • David Comas

    David Comas

    • Head of the Human Genome Diversity Group at the DCEXS since 2001.
    • Director of the DCEXS since 2016, and scientific director of both DCEXS María de Maeztu awards (2014 and 2018).
    • Member of the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF), for which he was the vice-Director (2014-2016).
    • Comas obtained the extraordinary PhD and the Best PhD Thesis defended in 1997 awards.
    • His research is focused on the analysis of the genome diversity in human populations in order to define and quantify the processes that have modelled the present genomic variation in humans.
  • Jesús Giraldo

    Jesús Giraldo

    • Jesús Giraldo’s research is devoted to the understanding of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) function by computational methods.
    • GPCRs are membrane proteins involved in many physiological functions and, thus, are the main target of current medicines.
    • Jesús Giraldo uses molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the conformational space of these receptors in response to neurotransmitters, hormones and synthetic ligands.
  • Jordi Garcia Fernández

    Jordi Garcia Fernández

    • Full Professor of Genetics since 2006
    • Honorary Research Professor of the University of Oxford (Merton College)
    • About 100 articles in indexed journals, including Nature (5), PNAS (4), Nature Rev, Nature Comm (3)
    • ICREA Academia 2009, proposed by Nobel Prize in Medicine Edward Lewis and  Linacre Professor of the  University of Oxford, Peter Holland
    • Responsible of the  Grup de Recerca Consolidat of the Generalitat  “Evolution and Development”
  • Salvador Carranza

    Salvador Carranza

    • BSc in Biology, University of Barcelona (UB) 1992; PhD in Genetics 1997 UB; Researcher Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum, London, 1998–2004.
    • 2004–2008 Ramon & Cajal Research Fellow, Biology Department, UB, Spain
    • 2008–2018 CSIC Permanent Researcher and Principal Investigator of the reptiles and amphibians lab at IBE. Promoted to Senior Researcher since 2018
    • 2016–present Associate Professor of Zoology, Human Biology Degree, Pompeu Fabra University
    • More than 160 scientific publications in SCI journals, Director of 18 national and international projects, 12 PhD and 23 MSc supervised, 31 new vertebrate species described.
  • Rosa Maria Alsina-Pagès

    Rosa Maria Alsina-Pagès

    • Her research topics are signal processing and machine learning applied to communications and acoustics, soundscape, citizen science.
    • Has published 45 JCR-WOS impact journals, 22 in Q1 journals, in acoustics and sensing, and its impact in health, in the last 10 years.
    • +85 participations in conferences and workshops of acoustics and health impact
    • + than 35 projects (16 led by herself) funded from public calls or private companies.
    • Research collaborations with ISGlobal (Barcelona) in terms of noise and health; with UCL – Barlett Institute (UK) in terms of Soundscape; with TUBerlin (Germany) in terms of Citizen Science; with CNR (Italy) in terms of noise and perception.

  • Josep Maria Campistol

    Josep Maria Campistol

    • MD PhD Nephrologist
    • Full professor of Medicine (Universitat de Barcelona)
    • More than 600 scientific Peer Review articles
    • 4 registered patents
    • International Referee in Renal Transplantation, glomerular diseases and amyloidosis
  • Maria Lois

    Maria Lois

    • CSIC Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator at the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), since 2008.
    • Her research, focused on the study of a cellular regulatory mechanism known as SUMOylation, has been published in high impact journals.
    • Her research has received funding from the European Research Council, Catalan Government, and Caixa Capital Risc for her research and development of a molecular tool for in vivo SUMO conjugation inhibition.
    • L. Maria Lois has received the 2022 Plaque of Honour from the Spanish Association of Scientists for her research, dedication to tech transfer and management activity.