Position: Coordinators of the project

  • Gemma Isabel Martínez

    Gemma Isabel Martínez

    • Studying the genomic basis of terrestrialization in arthropods at Metazoa Phylogenomics Lab at IBE
    • Research stay as an Amgen scholar at the University of Cambridge (Department of Zoology)
    • BSc Degree in Genetics and MSc Degree in Bioinformatics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    • MSc thesis at the Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina (IBB) integrating population genomics and transcriptomics to estimating adaptation in humans
    • Active member of QuinteScience, youth scientific association involved in the organization of activities such as the Spanish Junior Science Olympiad
  • Leonardo Platania

    Leonardo Platania

    • Predoctoral researcher at IBE with an FPI fellowship. Studying evolution and biodiversity of Western Pacific leaf-beetles (Chrysomelidae, eumolpinae).
    • Former Research Assistant at the University of Florence (Italy), working on conservation of the butterfly Zerynthia cassandra Geyer, 1828 population in Elba island.
    • Master Degree in Biology at the University of Florence (Italy), with a thesis on the social-wasp Polistes dominula (Christ, 1791) communication.
    • Erasmus internship at IBE, working on a project on cryptic species of European Butterflies.
    • Bachelor degree in Biology at the University of Florence (Italy) with a thesis on the urban ant diversity in Florence.
  • Javier Argüello Luengo

    Javier Argüello Luengo

    • Currently, postdoctoral researcher in the Quantum Optics Theory group at ICFO, led by Prof. Maciej Lewenstein.
    • Graduated in Physics and Mathematics from University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). PhD studies at ICFO and the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Garching, Germany).
    • MSc at the Perimeter Scholars International program (PSI) from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Canada).
    • Research interests focus on experimental proposals for strong light-matter interaction, and its use in analogue quantum simulation.
    • Collaborates with the outreach department at ICFO and Big Van Ciencia.
  • Elena Fusari

    Elena Fusari

    • Degree in Biotechnology at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.
    • Erasmus+ at the University of Valencia.
    • Master of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.
    • Master Thesis at the IRB Barcelona in Marco Milán’s group.
    • Internship at the UCL, London.
    •  1st year PhD with a La Caixa fellowship in Marco Milán’s group at the IRB Barcelona.
    • Participated in outreach activities at the IRB such as the Open Day to the public 2020.
    • Experience with tutoring high school students in Science.
  • Panagiotis Giannios

    Panagiotis Giannios

    • Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly – Greece. PhD in Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Athens NKUA – Greece.
    • Postdoctoral researcher: At the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering UNIWA and the Medical School of the University of Athens NKUA – Greece. Research focus on tissue optics and bio-photonics applied to the diagnosis of human malignancies. At the IRB Barcelona, in Jordi Casanova’s group, research focus on mechanisms regulating stem cell maintenance, growth and differentiation, using Drosophila as a model system.
    • Served for over 5 years as high school tutor of Biology and also appointed as lecturer of Applied Molecular Biology (UNIWA). As a senior project manager and scientific advisor of the science communication NPO SciCo – Gr, has designed, supervised or participated in various projects including broad public science dissemination activities (science festivals etc.) as well as STEM/STEAM educational projects both for school children and other target groups. 
  • Sergi Rodà

    Sergi Rodà

    • Degree in Biochemistry by Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).
    • MSc in Bioinformatics by Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).
    • PhD student in Computational biochemistry in the Life Science Department at the BSC.
  • Ignacio Javier Marín Blasco

    Ignacio Javier Marín Blasco

    • Degree in Biochemistry by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and PhD in Neurosciences by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), studying the specificity of the neuronal populations involved in the response to different emotional stressors.
    • Postdoctoral researcher in the pharmaceutical industry developing new epigenetic therapies.
    • Currently, postdoctoral researcher at Anderolab, looking for translational markers of traumatic stress.
  • Laura Hernández Eguía

    Laura Hernández Eguía

    • Bachelor Degree in Chemistry from the University of Vigo in 2006.
    • She studied a Master in Nanoscience and Nonatechnology at University Rovira i Virgili, and developed her PhD thesis in Supramolecular Chemistry at ICIQ in 2010.
    • In 2011 she was involved in a research project in Geneva (Switzerland) as postdoctoral researcher and until 2013 she was working as researcher in biosensors at the Electronic Engineering Department of the URV.
    • For more than four years she was working as freelance author and editor of scientific educative contents for different editorial companies.
    • In 2018 she came back to ICIQ to work as a Solid State Chemistry researcher, participating in projects with pharmaceutical companies
    • Since 2021 she is the researcher-manager in charge of ICIQ’s scientific outreach programme.
    • She is interested in science education, and research in supramolecular chemistry, catalysis and renewable energies.



  • Manuel Artero

    Manuel Artero

    • BSc in Interdisciplinary Sciences at ETH Zürich (Focus in Chemistry & Biophysics)
    • MSc in Interdisciplinary Sciences at ETH Zürich (Focus in Astrophysics & High Energy Physics)
    • PhD Candidate in the Gamma-Ray Group at IFAE (Autonomous University of Barcelona) 
    • Pursuing a thesis project within the broader framework of multi-messenger astronomy.
    • Amongst my favourite activities are to go for a hike in nature and extensive cooking sessions.
  • Jan Lowinski

    Jan Lowinski

    • MSc in Physics from ETH Zurich (with emphasis on solid state theory).
    • PhD student in Photonics with focus on experimental non-linear quantum optics and quantum communication.
    • Professional experience in automation of business process and sheep mustering.
    • Enthusiast of hitch-hiking and slow cinema.