- BSc in Mathematics, Universitat de València. MSc in Mathematics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- Phd in Mathematics, University of Oxford (2015) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2012).
- Fellow of the United Kingdom Higher Education Academy since 2014.
- Postdoctoral researcher at IMPA (Brazil), Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), and Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- ‘Currently, Ramón y Cajal researcher at UAB
Position: Coordinators of the project
Roberto Rubio
Marc Masdeu
- Number theorist, working at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as a Ramón y Cajal researcher. Mainly interested in explicit methods for arithmetic geometry.
- Obtained M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics at U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Ph.D. at McGill University (Montréal) in 2010.
- Ritt Assistant Professor at Columbia University (New York, 2010-2013), and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Warwick (Marie Curie Fellow) ) (UK, 2014-2016).
Lydia Giménez-Llort
- Third woman in Spain as Full Professor on Psychiatry.
- Expert in Healthy Aging and Translational Behavioral Neuroscience
- Member Observatory for Equality at UAB Commission, Head at School of Medicine, Nursery and Physioteraphy
- Member of European COST-Action Td1005, experts on Pain in impaired cognition, especially Dementias.
- Spanish leader Fet-OPen-Project for research and innovation around news ideas towards radically new future technologies in Science
Raül Andero
- ICREA Research Professor at UAB.
- Previous positions at Emory and Harvard.
- The laboratory studies Translational Mechanisms of Fear Memories.
- Lead author of publications in top journals such as Neuron, Science Translational Medicine and Biological Psychiatry.
- Expertise in combining data in both humans and animal models in the neuroscience field.
Laura Pérez
- Degree in Biology by University of Girona (UdG) and PhD in Mental Health by University of Cadiz (UCA).
- Expertise in animal models of neuropsychiatric diseases, focusing in behavioral paradigms and molecular techniques.
- Postdoctoral researcher in the Neurobiology of stress and vulnerability to psychopathology group at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
- Her current research aims to identify novel biomarkers for Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by using animal models.
Teresa Adell
- PhD in Biology in 2000, about cell specification in exocrine pancreas cancer (Thesis Director Dr. FX Real)
- Postdoctoral experience since 2000. First studying the development in sponges and from 2004 studying planarians regeneration.
- Lecturer Professor of Genetics since 2013.
- About 40 articles in indexed journals, including ‘Development’ and ‘Plos Biology’.
- Supervisor of 6 PhD Thesis and a number of Master Thesis.
Emili Saló
- Professor of Genetics since 1985 and Full Professor since 2003.
- Head of the Department of Genetics of the UB during 12 years.
- About 60 articles in indexed journals.
- Supervisor of 20 PhD Thesis
- Pioneer and International reference in the study of regeneration using Planarians as a model.
Bernat Burriel
- Predoctoral researcher in Systematics, Biogeography and Evolution of Reptiles and Amphibians Lab at IBE with an FPU fellowship. Studying the processes of diversification, distribution and colonization of reptiles in arid environments.
- BSc in Environmental Biology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and M
S c in Biodiversity at Universitat de Barcelona. MSc thesis at IBE, assessing the diversity, distribution, phylogeny and conservation of terrestrial reptiles in the United Arab Emirates.- Research technician in the Spanish National Project: Arabian reptiles as a model to investigate how biodiversity is generated and maintained in arid regions.
- Project Manager and outreach technician at Observatori de Difusió de la Ciència (ODC-UAB)
Mattia Menchetti
- Predoctoral researcher at IBE with a “la Caixa” Doctoral Fellowship INPhINIT Retaining, working on the project “The genetic map of European ants”.
- Former Research Assistant at the University of Florence (Italy), working on Mediterranean butterfly phylogeography.
- Former Research Assistant at IBE, working on a National Geographic Society founded project on Citizen Science and butterfly migrations.
- Former active member of the EU COST funded project ParrotNet, an European network of scientists, practitioners and policy-makers dedicated to research on invasive alien parrots.
- Master Degree in Biology at the University of Florence (Italy).
Patricia Suárez Ara
- Predoctoral researcher in Multicell Genome Lab at IBE with an FPI fellowship. Developing genetic tools to study unicellular relatives of animals and the origin of animal multicellularity
- BSc in Biology and MSc in Biomolecules and Cell Dynamics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
- Bachelor’s thesis at Spanish National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) learning molecular and cellular biology techniques
- Master’s thesis at IMDEA Nanociencia Institute applying a diverse variety of molecular biology and chemical techniques in an interdisciplinary team