Position: Coordinators of the project

  • Marta Gil (GIQ – UAB)

    Marta Gil (GIQ – UAB)

    Marta Gil studies Physics and Mathematics at the UAB and is currently carrying out the bachelor’s Thesis in the Quantum Information Group at UAB. She has participated in the Youth and Science Program from La Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, staying in research centers such as the Perimeter Institute in Canada and the Genomic Regulation Center in Barcelona.

  • Ivan Supic (ICFO)

    Ivan Supic (ICFO)

    Ivan is a PhD student in Quantum Information Theory group in ICFO. Originally, he is from Montenegro. He got his Physics degree from University of Belgrade and obtained his master’s degree from Polytechnic University of Catalunya. His research interests involve foundations of quantum theory, Bell nonlocality and quantum computing. In his native country he organized several science camps for high-school students.Ivan is a PhD student in Quantum Information Theory group in ICFO. Originally, he is from Montenegro. He got his Physics degree from University of Belgrade and obtained his master’s degree from Polytechnic University of Catalunya. His research interests involve foundations of quantum theory, Bell nonlocality and quantum computing. In his native country he organized several science camps for high-school students.

  • Xavier Valcarce (ICFO)

    Xavier Valcarce (ICFO)

    Xavier is physics master student at the Claude Bernard University, Lyon. He is currently working on his master thesis in Quantum Information Theory at ICFO in Dr. Antonio Acín’s group. He discovered this field last year while doing an internship in Nicolas Brunner’s group at the University of Geneva. His main interests are on non-locality, many body systems and machine learning. 

  • Zahra Raissi (ICFO)

    Zahra Raissi (ICFO)

    Zahra is a physicist. Her professional path started a long time ago, when she started to learn about the physics of elementary particles (high energy physics). After that, she got involved to work on a project about black holes, holographic screens and gravity. Currently, she am a PhD student in quantum information theory group at ICFO.

  • Martí Berenguer (GIQ – UAB)

    Martí Berenguer (GIQ – UAB)

    Martí Berenguer studies Physics at the UAB. He is currently carrying out the bachelor’s Thesis in the High Energy Physics Institute (IFAE) at UAB, and next course he will be taking the Master in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology at Universitat de Barcelona.

  • Joan Francesc Gilabert

    Joan Francesc Gilabert

    • Degree in Physics Engineering by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
    • MSc in Bioinformatics for Public Health by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
    • PhD in Computational Physics in the Life Science Department at the BSC.
  • Albert Garcia

    Albert Garcia

    • Degree in Biology by University of Barcelona (UB).
    • MSc in Biomedical Engineering by IBEC, UB and Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
    • PhD in Biomedicine by IBEC and UB. Development of an in vitro model of the intestinal mucosa based on a 3D synthetic tissue.
    • Postdoctoral researcher at Biosensors for the bioengineering group at IBEC engineering skeletal muscle tissues for in vitro studies.
  • Maria Alejandra Ortega

    Maria Alejandra Ortega

    • Degree in Chemistry by University Central of Venezuela.
    • MSc in Chemistry by University Simon Bolívar and Assistant professor into physical chemistry Department – Caracas, Venezuela.
    • International MSc in Project Management by Esneca Business School acquiring strong knowledge in all related with projects, team work and leadership skills.
    • PhD in Photonics by Institute of Photonics Sciences (ICFO) and Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) working in the development of an optofluidic platform for clinical applications.
    • Postdoctoral researcher at Biosensors for bioengineering group at IBEC developing organ-on-a-chip technologies and biosensing platforms to study metabolic diseases.
  • Francesc Vigués

    Francesc Vigués

    • Chief of the Department of Urology at the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge and Associate Professor of Urology at University of Barcelona.
    • Head of the surgical Kidney transplant program at the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge since 2016.
    • Work focused in the surgical aspects of transplantation, especially in the minimally invasive surgery field.
    • Initialization in the laparoscopic nephrectomy for the live donor transplantation at the Bellvitge Hospital and, recently, the robot kidney transplantation program.
    • Member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) and the Robotic Assisted Kidney Transplantation Group.
  • Fernando Fernández

    Fernando Fernández

    • Professor of Psychology at the University of Barcelona and Head of the Eating Disorders Unit at the Department of Psychiatry (HUB)
    • Director of the Research Committee of HUB and Head of CIBERobn Group (Spanish Research Network for Obesity and Nutrition).
    • PhD University of Hamburg (Germany) and invited Professor at the UNC (NC,US), and McGill University, Montreal (Canada).
    • More than 300 peer-reviewed published paper and PI or more than 35 National and International (FW5, FW6, FW7, H2020) funded Projects.
    • Recipient of several international Awards (2004 AED Meehan Hartley Award, 2011 Best EU Serious Game, 2015 AED leadership Research Award, 2017 Hilde Bruch Lecture Award).