Mateo Valero

Mateo Valero - Mateo Valero - BIYSC
  • Degree in Telecommunication Engineering by Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
  • Publication of 700 papers and service in 300 international conferences’ organization.
  • Main awards: Seymour Cray, Eckert-Mauchly, Harry Goode, ACM Distinguished Service, “Hall of Fame” member IST European Program, King Jaime I in research, two Spanish National Awards on Informatics and Engineering.
  • Honorary Doctorate: Universities of Chalmers, Belgrade, Las Palmas, Zaragoza, Complutense of Madrid, Santander, Granada, University of Veracruz and CINVESTAV.
  • Fellow of IEEE, ACM and Intel Distinguished Research Fellow; Member of Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering, Royal Academy of Science and Arts; Correspondent Academic of Spanish Royal Academy of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences.