- He researches in the field of acoustics, performing computer simulations and experiments to study the human voice, duct acoustics, parametric arrays (ultrasounds), and room acoustics.
- +17 articles in first rank international scientific journals and +45 participations in international conferences.
- +16 R&D projects (10 led by himself) funded from European, Spanish, and Catalan agencies in public calls and from private companies.
- Awarded with the best PhD thesis in Iberspeech 2016 (Lisbon, Portugal) and the EAA best paper in Forum Acusticum 2014 (Krakow, Poland).
- Collaborations with research groups in Catalonia (CINME, Eurecat), France (Gipsa-lab, LAUM), Germany (TU-Dresden), Sweden (KTH), and Canada (UBC).
Marc Arnela
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