- Bachelor Degree in Chemistry from the University of Vigo in 2006.
- She studied a Master in Nanoscience and Nonatechnology at University Rovira i Virgili, and developed her PhD thesis in Supramolecular Chemistry at ICIQ in 2010.
- In 2011 she was involved in a research project in Geneva (Switzerland) as postdoctoral researcher and until 2013 she was working as researcher in biosensors at the Electronic Engineering Department of the URV.
- For more than four years she was working as freelance author and editor of scientific educative contents for different editorial companies.
- In 2018 she came back to ICIQ to work as a Solid State Chemistry researcher, participating in projects with pharmaceutical companies
- Since 2021 she is the researcher-manager in charge of ICIQ’s scientific outreach programme.
- She is interested in science education, and research in supramolecular chemistry, catalysis and renewable energies.