- He joined the ICIQ in 2009, where he leads a research group focused on the synthesis, physical characterization and processing of transition-metal complexes of interest in Biology and Materials Sciences.
- He studied Chemistry at University of Valencia (Spain) and the Imperial College in London (UK) reaching a PhD by University of Valencia.
- In 2002, he got a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship to join the Institute of Molecular Science in Valencia, where he worked in multifunctional materials with combination of physical properties, and received the Young Chemist Research Award (2002) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry.
- In 2008 he received the Olivier Kahn International Award (2008) of MAGMANet European Network of Excellence.
- In 2010 he became Professor at the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA).
- Recipient of ERC Starting Grant and ERC Proof of Concept Grant.
- Major research interests on synthetic bioinorganic models for energy applications.
José Ramón Galán

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