Elias Campo is the Director of Research at the Hospital Clínic, the IDIBAPS and the Clinical Foundation for Biomedical Research and professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Barcelona University. He won the Rei Jaume I Prize for Medical Research 2016 and National Research Prize 2013, Campo is an expert in the pathological characterization of lymphoid neoplasms and in the analysis of the genetic mechanisms involved in the development and progression of these tumors. In collaboration with Dr. Carlos Lopez-Otín, has co-directed the complete sequencing studies of the genome of chronic lymphatic leukemia and the epigenome of this disease. These studies, with the sequencing of the genomes of the normal and tumor cells of more than five hundred patients, have been a milestone in genomic research on cancer. Campo has been president of the European Hemopathology Association and is currently a member of the Government Committee of the International Cancer Genome Consortium and is part of the Committee for the classification of hematopoietic neoplasms of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Elias Campo
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