Clement Moulin

Clement Moulin obtained his PhD in Engineering of Cognition, Interaction, Learning and Creation from Grenoble University in 2011. His main research interests are the modelling of social behavior formation in sensorimotor agents. In 2009 he has been a visiting scholar in Michael Arbib’s lab at the University of Southern California. After a short contract at the Collège de France in Paris where he worked on probabilist optimal control, he conducted his research between 2011 and 2014 in the Flowers group at Inria Bordeaux (France), in the field of developmental robotics. He has developed the open-source Explauto library for the modelling of curiosity-driven learning and is a member of the Poppy project where he has realized a number of open-source robotic demonstrations. He has published approximately 20 papers in various international journals and conferences.