Carlos Abellán

Carlos Abellán - Carlos Abellán - BIYSC
  • Telecom engineer and PhD in Photonics from ICFO. Author and coauthor of +10 publications and patents on quantum technologies.
  • Selected on the 2018 Europe edition of the MIT Innovators 35 Under 35.
  • Active on dissemination of science and technology. Examples include: TEDx IESEBarcelona, Pint of Science, Investigación y Ciencia, or IEEE Spectrum.
  • Cofounder and CEO of Quside (spin-off from ICFO) working on quantum technologies. Cofounder also of Finboot, a Blockchain-based startup.
  • Instigated the Big Bell test project in 2016, a world-wide quantum physics experiment that attracted +100,000 participants via a videogame.