Lluís Alsedà Soler

Lluís Alsedà Soler - Lluís Alsedà Soler - BIYSC
  • Earned PhD in Mathematics in 1984, Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona since 2004 with previous permanent academic roles.
  • Led 5 UAB Discrete Dynamical Systems Group research grants from Spanish Ministry of Science, and managed various projects.
  • Supervised 8 PhD and numerous master’s theses; authored 1 book, co-edited 4 books, and published 93 papers.
  • Held Vice-Dean and Director positions at UAB, organized international conferences, evaluated research projects, and co-founded the DANCE network.
  • Member of Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics Governing Board since 2013, jury for Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer prize, and Associate Editor for DCDS-A and JDEA.