John Calsamiglia graduated in Physics from the UAB in 1996. After postgraduate studies in theoretical physics in U. Autónoma de Madrid, in 1997 he joined the Helsinki Institute of Physics to carry out his PhD on the quantum processing capabilities of linear optics. He held postdoc positions in Harvard-Smithsonian CFA & UCONN (on quantum dynamics of Rydberg ensembles), LMU München (on multipartite quantum communication applications and entanglement) and U. of Innsbruck (on quantum spin-gases, and non-classicality measures), where he was assistant professor until 2005. He returned to UAB with a Ramón y Cajal fellowship, where he is a professor with tenure since 2010. His current research interests are centered on quantum statistical inference and non-classicality. He is author of 53 papers, has supervised 4 PhD thesis and has participated in numerous research projects funded by national and European agencies.
John Calsamiglia (GIQ – UAB)

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