Andrea M. Giordano

Andrea M. Giordano - Andrea M. Giordano - BIYSC
  • Currently,  Associate professor at UAB
  • Marie Curie Postdoctoral researcher at CRAG  (2018-2021) working on CRISPR to validate agronomically important traits in melon and tomato
  • Postdoctoral researcher at University of Viçosa (Brazil) (2013-2015), where she worked in cell wall recalcitrant factors of sugarcane varieties to improve second generation biofuels production 
  • PhD in Plant Biotechnology from La Trobe University (Australia) (2013), about functional genomic of lignin biosynthesis
  • Experience in providing outreach and science education activities to undergraduate and high school students
  • Vast experience in providing outreach and science education activities to undergraduate and high school students.